The Best Way to Hang Hammocks

The Best Way to Hang Hammocks

Many people use metal shower rings to hang hammocks, etc. from cages. You can get a packet from any hardware or home improvement store. I did the same thing, but noticed over time they start to look kind of corroded.

Recently I acquired some new mice. I noticed Cheerio kept licking the cruddy shower ring. Hmmm….not happy with that.

It was then I did some research. Those metal rings just say ‘metal’ but don’t tell you what kind of metal. They could be anything, including zinc.

So I went on a search for stainless steel shower rings. Most of them have little balls on them to make them easier to slide over the rod. I found that only a couple of companies make them without the balls, and they are not easy to find.

The one that I found and ordered is Bobrick B-204.

You can buy it at Amazon for about .85 per hook:
Stainless Steel Shower Hook

Right away I knew they were different from what I had.

The metal had more of a reddish tinge. I don’t if you can tell that from this picture, but they were clearly different. They are also longer than the ones you get in hardware stores.

Regular shower hooks

So I bought 30. They should last forever and I have lots of pets who like hanging toys (four mice and six rats).

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