How to Keep your Butter from Getting that Refrigerator Smell
Ok, I don’t know what it is about butter over any other thing in my refrigerator, but it always, always has that refrigerator smell/taste. I can taste it when I spread it on something or when I bake with it.
I tried a lot of different things to keep thing from happening, including putting it in the butter drawer of the fridge, putting it in a sealed container with some baking soda wrapped in a paper towel. But nothing worked.
I finally discovered the perfect way that really works: mason jars. Since most people use mason jars for canning, the lids fit on really well.
At first I tried the mason jar lids that have the valve on them and I used a vacuum pump to seal it (The Thrifty Vac system). But I found the seal leaks in the refrigerator over time. Then I discovered that just tightening the lid on the normal way works just fine.
I take the butter fresh from the store and put it in a wide mouth mason jar. I can easily fit three sticks in. Probably four but I didn’t want to have a hard time getting them out.

Ok, I’ve been using this method for a few years now, and it works like a charm!!
The butter is totally fresh-tasting every time.