Cool Present: Image Turned into a Painting
My husband had been experimenting with Photoshop, taking images and using filters, etc. to make them look like paintings.
He did one of our dog Kelly at our favorite vacation place, a friend’s cabin in Maine.
It came out so well that he had it printed on canvas by Canvas Press as a surprise anniversary present.
Here’s a funny story–I knew he was working on this image (it wasn’t a secret), and I thought I had a great idea: why not have it printed on canvas as an anniversary present for him?
And I also decided to use Canvas Press (I found them by googling. Other companies do the same thing, but they struck me as the best. He found the same company by asking his sister who she used to canvasize pictures of her kids.)
So CP was working on two orders at the same time. Both were the identical picture, although I ordered a smaller size. They were for two different people with the same last name at the same address.
When I opened John’s present, my response was “Oh no!!” And then I started laughing.
It was all very amusing.
Here’s the original image and the final ‘painting’ we had printed. We have it hanging in our living room. It’s one of my favorite gifts ever.
(By the way, the best way to hang a painting is using things called Beehive Hangers).