Best Way to Hang a Painting

Best Way to Hang a Painting

My husband gave me a really great gift for our anniversary. He had taken a picture of one of our dogs and Photoshopped it to look like a painting, then had it printed on canvas by Canvas Press (they’re a company that will print anything you upload onto canvas. Pretty Cool).

(I won’t mention the fact that I gave him exactly the same gift! I knew that he had made this great image and thought it would be so cool (and original!) to have it printed on canvas. I also found Canvas Press. So they were working on the same ‘painting’ at the same time for two different people with the same last name at the same address. Wonder what they were thinking.)

Anyway, the painting came with mounting hardware that was the neatest thing I’d ever seen.

They call it Beehive Hangers. It’s basically a metal grid that you attach to each corner of your painting frame. What you hammer into the wall is a ‘pin’ at an upward angle. The pin goes into one of the holes of the grid.

Since the thing on the back of the painting is a grid, it’s really easy to position the pin into another hole to adjust for a crooked line or to make it higher.

We just bought a real painting that I want to mount in the same way. I just discovered that you can buy just these mounts:
Beehive Hangers

I use the original ones, which are fine for things up to 30 pounds.

If you have something heavier, use the Max.

Here’s a video that shows the Max. Note that in the video they are called honey comb hangers, but it’s the same product as the beehive hangers.

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