Alternative to a Kong Ball—Dog Toys for Big Chewers

Alternative to a Kong Ball—Dog Toys for Big Chewers

Everyone knows what Kongs are, right? Those dog toys shaped a little bit like a cross between a football and a snowman?

They’re supposed to be pretty tough, but my dog could destroy a Kong pretty easily. I watched him do it; he bites right where the two segments meet and just keeps working it. Eventually the segments separate and then he pulls off pieces of rubber. And my dog is a golden mix; not even a breed with strong jaws.

This is what was left of the Kong (extreme version) after about 30 minutes:

Kong piece

The reason he is able to break it so easily is because it is hollow inside.

Then I found the greatest dog toy ever; the single toy that Louie could absolutely not destroy. It was also made by Kong, and it was a very simple rubber ball. The key was that it was 100% solid through-and-through. Louie could chew all he wanted, but with a solid round hunk of rubber like that, he was never able to break it apart.

I have been telling people for years it is indestructible, even for big chewers.

Well guess what? Kong ruined it.

Yup, for some unknown reason, they changed it so that it has a hole through it. Probably so that it is cheaper to make. Or maybe so that they can package it suspended in that thin cardboard, who knows?

But the indestructible Kong ball is gone forever. So I started looking for alternatives.

I found that hardly anybody makes a solid rubber ball. Even the balls that say ‘solid’ aren’t if you look carefully at their pictures. You can see two flat areas on opposite sides that hint at a hidden hole they don’t show you.


But…I did find something comparable.

It’s made by a company called West Paw Design. It isn’t exactly rubber. It’s their own invention called Zogoflex and is top secret.

But it is BPA-free, which I like.

It’s solid like the ball, but isn’t completely round. The funky shape makes it bounce funny when you throw it. (This particular thing is called a Jive. They also make bones and other shapes).

And everything I’ve seen on videos, reviews, etc. indicate that it is incredibly, incredibly tough.

It also has a couple of features that the Kong rubber ball doesn’t:

  • It floats.
  • It’s dishwasher safe (Well, ok, the Kong ball is as well)
  • It’s 100% recyclable. If it ever gets damaged, send them the pieces and they’ll turn it into a new one and keep it out of landfills.

This is it:
Zogoflex balls
Zogoflex balls

Unfortunately I don’t think Louie will test it for me. He’s more mature now and isn’t as interested in chewing.

But I might get one for Kaysa, who is a bit more mischievous, shall we say.

If I find more solid rubber balls or similar toys, I’ll post them here.

One thought on “Alternative to a Kong Ball—Dog Toys for Big Chewers

  1. I am on the search for my grand dogs. They had the round black solid Kong ball. My daughter emailed them asking if we could still buy one. Nope. MY son’s dog just lost his best friend. That ball went everywhere with him. He didn’t leave the house without it. Played many many games of fetch with it. Now he has no interest in fetch at all. Gotta find something for the poor boy. He looks mighty sad when he comes to visit.

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