Jynx and Sebastian (a/k/a The Squishies)
These fine fellas were my first males. They were also my first adoptions from Mainely Rat Rescue, but definitely not my last. (I live in MA, but this rescue group has adopters all over New England).
Both of them came neutered, so they could live with my girls without fear of an accidental litter. (Incidentally, if you try to get a male neutered at a local vet, I’ve found the cost to be astronomical. One vet quoted me $800! But often the rescue group or MSPCA will do it for you for a reduced cost. Mainely Rat Rescue only charges $75).
I’ve discovered why lots of people prefer males. This may be a generalization, but they seem to be much more laid-back. They’re more inclined to sit contentedly while you pet them (my girls, by contrast, are always on the go). Although I recently discovered that even the girls will settle down to snuggle when you put them in the hood of a sweatshirt worn backwards.
Jynx fathered Sebastian when he was only three months old. Both were beige hooded and beautiful fellows.
They loved to sit in a hood and be petted. They would just close their little rattie eyes.
Jynx had a funny habit of hanging his head over the edge of the playground to relax. I thought it meant he wanted to be picked up, but he didn’t. He just liked to ‘hang out.’